Iran, Georgia and Armenia

Classical İran

Wild, beautiful and mystical Iran is a must see destination offering some of the oldest history, culture, and architecture in the world.  Taste the amazing kitchen and feel the welcoming hospitality whilst you absorb yourself in the rich culture, arts and so much more of this humble country.

Experience the major attractions of Iran in the main cities of Shiraz, Yazd, Isfahan and Kashan. Explore the beautiful gardens of Shiraz, learn about ancient Iranian history in Persepolis and the Zoroastrian religion.  Get lost in the labyrinth-like streets of Yazd, visit the old bazaars of Kashan and walk in the famous Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan.


Arrive in Tehran, the capital of Iran. We first visit the National Museum of Iran to learn about the ancient history and culture of the country. Then we continue to the Golestan Palace (UNESCO Site), a masterpiece of Qajar architecture and we explore the Grand Bazaar of Tehran, one of the largest and oldest bazaars in the world. We stay overnight in Tehran.


We drive to Kashan, a city famous for its traditional houses and gardens. First we visit the Fin Garden (UNESCO Site), a beautiful example of Persian garden design. Later we visit Tabatabaei House and the Boroujerdi House, two of the most elegant and well-preserved historical houses in Iran. We also visit the beautiful historic baths and the beautiful Bazaar. We stay overnight in Kashan.  Continue to Abyaneh, a picturesque village with red mud-brick houses and a unique culture. Stay overnight in Abyaneh.


First we drive to Abyaneh, a picturesque village with red mud-brick houses and a unique culture.  After this visit we continue to Isfahan, the jewel of Islamic architecture and art. Here we visit the Naqsh-e Jahan Square (UNESCO Site), the centre of the Safavid dynasty and one of the largest and most magnificent squares in the world. See the Imam Mosque (UNESCO Site), the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque (UNESCO Site), and the Ali Qapu Palace (UNESCO Site), three of the most impressive monuments in the square. Then  we walk along the Si-o-se-pol and the Khaju Bridge, two of the most famous bridges over the Zayandeh River. Stay overnight in Isfahan.


We continue exploring Isfahan. We visit the Chehel Sotoun Palace (UNESCO Site), a pavilion with stunning paintings and frescoes and see the Vank Cathedral, the most important church in the Armenian Quarter of Isfahan. We also visit the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan (UNESCO Site), one of the oldest and largest mosques in Iran and later we enjoy the Qeysarie Bazaar, a lively and colourful market with various handicrafts and souvenirs. We stay overnight in Isfahan.


We drive to Yazd, the city of windcatchers and Zoroastrianism. Here we visit the Yazd Atash Behram, one of the nine fire temples of the Zoroastrian faith and see the Towers of Silence, where the Zoroastrians used to leave the dead bodies for the vultures. We also explore the Old City of Yazd (UNESCO Site), a labyrinth of mud-brick alleys and houses and visit the Yazd Jameh Mosque, a masterpiece of Iranian-Islamic architecture. Stay overnight in Yazd.


We drive to Shiraz, the city of poets and gardens. On the way we visit Pasargadae (UNESCO Site), the first capital of the Achaemenid Empire and the tomb of Cyrus the Great. Our next stop will be Persepolis (UNESCO Site), the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire and one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world. We will also visit Naqsh-e Rostam, the necropolis of the Achaemenid and Sassanid kings. Stay overnight in Shiraz.


We explore Shiraz, the cultural capital of Iran. We will visit the Eram Garden (UNESCO Site), a paradisiacal garden with a beautiful mansion. We will also see the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, also known as the Pink Mosque, a stunning mosque with colorful stained glass windows. Then we visit the Narenjestan-e Qavam, a historical house with a lovely garden and a museum and pay tribute to the Tomb of Hafez and the Tomb of Saadi, two of the most revered poets in Iran and the world. Depart from Shiraz International Airport.

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